Friday, April 11, 2008

How The Internet Can Replace The Newspaper Classifieds When Looking For A Job

I was stuck in a dead end job. No room to move up. Waiting for a year for a quarter raise. Dont get me wrong. I liked my job, I just wanted more. I couldnt see doing what I was doing for the next 20 years and retiring making a measly five dollars more a year than what I started at. I needed help. So with that in mind I decided to take a look at what else was available. I had already browsed the newspaper classifieds with not much luck. They had a few maybes, but not anything that I was really interested in. So the next step was looking for home jobs online. I discovered there were literally hundreds of them. I was really into finding something that I could make enough money to feel like I was getting paid what I was worth and something I would enjoy doing.

The first thing I did was fill out an online resume to get an idea of what I was qualified for and to have a resume. I hadnt had one for several years and that was certainly a must have when applying for positions, not just jobs. There are some great sites that will help you do this. I found Monster Jobs, Hot Jobs, Yahoo Jobs and that was just the tip of the iceberg. While browsing the positions they had in my area, I came across one that caught my eye. Not only was it in my area, but it was for the same company I worked for. Now I was really getting excited. A position that I definitely thought was great for me and I already had a leg up by working for them. I knew I could get great references and had enough time working for them that they knew I was not a job hopper.

The next step in my home jobs online venture was to fill out a preliminary application and send them a copy of my resume. I did this posthaste and kept everything in my computer, reading it over and over wondering if I had left anything out that they needed to know. I was trying not to be too optimistic about it, however, at the same time I kept telling myself You have a very good chance at this. I didnt have to wait long. The very next day, while at work, my boss got a call asking about me. Now I was really getting my hopes up. Over the next few days I talked to higher ups within the company and was so excited I could hardly wait to hear what they had to say. Well, guess what! I got the position and am now in management. All due to my venture into the internet world of home jobs online. I would recommend this method of job search to anyone who is looking. Not only did I get that job, I received quite a few requests for interviews from several different companies. Nothing like a little interest to boost your self esteem. I know its an old clich but if I did it, anyone can.

Yoshi Kundagawa is a freelance journalist. He writes about entrepreneurs and working from home. You can read his articles about home jobs online at his blog.

Yoshi Kundagawa is a freelance journalist covering the martial arts world. Too much time at his computer eating donuts reduced him to couch potato status. He's on a quest to recapture his youth and fitness. You can read his blog at



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