Wednesday, April 16, 2008

3 Powerful Article Marketing Tactics To Increase Your Monthly Income By 469 Percent

Are you using article marketing (also called bum marketing) to promote your products online and your own website? Let me show you how to increase your article marketing efforts by more than 469%.

Whether you are just a bum marketer or you only write articles for your own web pages, if you are not using the amazing power of leverage marketing, you are leaving a lot of money on the table. Why you wouldn't profit again and again from something you've done only one time? Know that the secret of highly successful online business is that they use leverage.

Whenever you write a new article for your website, be sure that to research the right keywords before everything else. Because if you don't do this, nobody is going to find your site, and it will be hard to make any money. Then, you need to add the article to your autoresponder serie. Like this, when someone subscribe to your list, you will earn money from him because he will automatically see your article.

Imagine that you can squeeze $1 from every new newsletter subscriber. Let's say that your list grows at a rate of 50 subscribers a day. that's 1500 subscribers a month. Now, doing almost nothing, you've just added a new stream of income to your business. $1500 per month, and even more annually!

When you are done, just add your new article to your website with the keywords). Search engines will spider it, and send more traffic your way.

When a surfer land on your website from the search engines, they subscribe to your newsletter...

Even if they don't take the time to read a single article on your site, they will immediately receive an email in their email inbox with a link to visit your money making web pages. Now, let's see how to monetize your web pages for maximum profits:

There are several options to monetize an article: links to your own products, contextual advertising, affiliate programs, cost per action offer, auction... You see the picture.

Now, you have a great money making article marketing technique in place because almost all the visitors who will visit your article and click on your links. If you monetize with cost per click advertising, every single click will make you money. If you choose cost per sales, you will make a profit when the visitor buys from your website.

If you choose cost per action affiliate programs, you will make money when your visitor take an action like filling in his name and email address for more information, etc... This article marketing technique is really easy to implement, and it shouldn't take a lot of your time. Plus you can outsource this strategy for even more profits.

Do this today, and watch your monthly income increase with the power of this affiliate marketing strategy.

Franck Silvestre is the creator of the Search Engine Marketing Guide. He also give awesome advices to increase your affiliate marketing income. Learn how to design a great site optimized for maximum sales and turn it into a powerful money making machine in no time.

Go to his website right now and grab a free report on sales page design secrets.
